Thursday, October 3, 2013

Jenkins Response

       Jenkins “introduction” introduces the three key terms of media convergence, participatory culture, and collective intelligence. As an inspiring digital advertising and marketing professional, these three keywords make up the essence of my future career. The 21st century has been a digital revolution, slowly but steadily incorporating technology into all aspects of the business world.
      The concept of participatory culture is extremely applicable to my future career as social media is a huge requirement. Our culture runs on social media and Internet access as we all contribute to acquire and share news more quickly. This goes along with the Jenkin’s key term “collective intelligence”, the process of many people contributing their knowledge to form a bigger, improved idea. Any career utilizes collaboration to brainstorm new epiphanies and observations. The last keyword Jenkins discusses is media convergence. This describes the flow of media, and will be a huge component of my desired future career. As a marketing and digital advertising intern, I am constantly using varied forms of social media and information technology to achieve goals.

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