Thursday, October 17, 2013

Blog Reflection

For my first time creating a blog, I am extremely proud of the finished project. My design is fairly simplistic, but it is one of the strengths of the blog. I chose a uniform layout for each post on top of a background of warm colored water colored art work. I customized the layout to make it as user friendly as possible with a table of contents on the right hand side. A potential revision would be a bigger “about me” section if I decide to keep up my blog. I chose to keep it basic so that it would look more professional for the class. I really am pleased overall with the way it looks and am proud of my first blog whenever I click on the page. It was more difficult than I thought to create the blog, but I actually enjoyed it. Although my posts responding to class readings were mainly oriented towards the actual reading and not my own opinions, I was able to relate to them. In the reading “What we’re doing when we blog” author Meg Hourihan states that you learn about yourself when you blog because you choose how you desire to present yourself. This is very true, and was also a challenge I encountered. I had to find a happy medium between how I wanted to present my feedback on the readings and how much I wanted to talk about my future career. I tried to experiment with embedding videos, creating hyperlinks, and inserting a poll into my blog posts. I created a poll but could not get the HTML code to work unfortunately. If I had three more weeks to work on the blog, I would have continued to try to incorporate a poll into my blog, and make the responses longer. However, the brevity of all of my blogs is also a strength because I won’t lose a reader’s attention with a short and sweet post. The three most important changes I made were the background, the layout, and the making sure the font was uniform. These all added to the aesthetic appeal and were important for the blog to be cohesive and were extremely important because they created more of a theme and expressed my own taste. I am generally a simplistic, easygoing person and my blog shows that. When deciding how much input to give about my future career, I learned exactly how confident I felt about my future career when writing the posts. The fact that digital advertising and media relations are essential to virtually any business, and my career could easily correlate to any of the blog posts reassured me that I chose a major that is relevant and necessary to business. I also learned that I need to focus on specifics while writing .I struggled on finding a balance of how depth I should go for each question. I did learn that I have an eye for balance as my blog layout is cohesive and the images are all sized to be similar. If I had to grade my blog I would give myself an A. My posts are brief but to the point, my design and overall theme give a glimpse of myself, and I certainly utilized various forms of media with the inclusion of videos, images, hyperlinks, and digital design. 

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